At The Crossroads

Bruno Cecchini
3 min readApr 18, 2020

Crossroads are the chance to stop, observe, think and prioritize what you would do next, in your life, you would encounter many crossroads. Sometimes you would go in the right direction and other times you would just pass on the opportunity to move and stay in your comfort zone. Picking the wrong direction it’s not that bad, it is just part of the learning curve, the absolute worst it’s to not hit the road.

Reflecting on the last 10 years, I did see many crossroads, I choose many directions and never settle on one, some will say that pretty bad, but actually that was the strategy. Diversification is always a good strategy for managing your risk, to give an idea about diversification I would show a list of all projects that I did work on during this time period some projects are academic but most of them are business ideas with different degree of maturity.

My project list

The reflexivity conjecture: That’s an academic paper based on the general theory of reflexivity by George Soros, at first I knew the idea was big but I did not understand that was the fundamental principle for a quantum operating system. The paper’s not finished yet, and to be honest, I have no idea what to do about it, maybe flowing the idea into the quantum community will be the best thing to do…

